The charities we support can be split into two strands: Local and Global.
We have helped a number of local charities including:
Funding a new playground for Cherry Trees School who are part of the inclusive and collaborative group of school within Endeavour Multi Academy Trust.
Donating equipment such as: wheelchairs and rehabilitation equipment to Birmingham Children's Hospital who are a leading UK specialist paediatric centre, which offers care to over 90,000 children and young people from across the country every year.
Fundraising for Mencap Wolverhampton an incredible charity who works with people with learning disabilities to change laws, challenge prejudice and support them to live their lives as they choose.
Currently our global charity work is focused in Panjab India. This is because our family has migrated to Great Britain from the Panjab, many followers of the Trust also have a lineage and family roots in Panjab. The worldwide Panjabi community wish to improve the quality of life of the underprivileged in this region, so far we have:
Built and help run an orphanage with another charity (Khalsa Sewa) in Panjab, India. Full Details of this can be found here
Offers a sponsorship programme so that sponsors can support a family facing extreme poverty in India. More details can be found here
We are currently working towards building a village hospital in india to provide healthcare to those that are not able to access it otherwise
The aim of the Trust is to inspire people to come together to improve their physical, mental and social health, whilst FUNdraising for a diverse range of worthy causes. From Mud Runs to Skydives, Car Rallies to Family Fun Days, the Trust organises exciting monthly events and challenges.
If you have a charity or event you would like us to support please do get in touch. We will try to help everyone that reaches out, if we cannot help you directly we will work with you to find another charity that can.
“WINGS (Wombourne Special Needs Support Group) was lucky enough to benefit from the fundraising efforts of Davinder and his team at Optispine through the Jet Singh Trust. Their donation makes a huge difference to us, and will directly help local disabled children and young people. As a small independent Charity it’s becoming increasingly difficult to find the funding and support we need to continue to operate. This generous donation has come at a critical time for our group, and we’re all incredibly grateful to be part of the legacy of the Jet Singh Trust. Thank you!”